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Pharaoh’s Cylinder

$ 90.00

1000 in stock

Pharaoh Cylinders are ideal for recharging or restoring harmony to the body and soul. The Harmonizers represent two energetic poles: Yin on the left and Yang on the right. Energy passes between these poles, purifying the body and strengthening our aura energy field. Cylinders interact with our body through meridian points on our hands and fingers. It stimulates these points, which bring relief and healing to their corresponding internal organs. The cylinder (black) should be held in the left hand and the green in the right hand. In a seated, relaxed position, holding the cylinders, place your hands on your knees, keeping the cylinders parallel. Do not cross your legs while doing this.

Close your eyes, take 3 deep cleansing breaths, clear your mind, and focus on sensations throughout. The length of the session will vary with each individual, but you should start with three to six minutes, gradually working up to nine to fifteen minutes. You will feel the effects of the “recharging” and harmonization for two days.

For optimum results, use the cylinders twice a day (morning and evening) for two weeks, followed by a break of one month.

NB: Shungite cylinders are not to be used in people who have acute heart disease, have had a stroke, have nervous and mental disorders, hypertension, acute infectious diseases, or are pregnant (in the late stages).

Availability: 1000 In Stock
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